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Trilobyte Solutions Inc. and its affiliates and licensees own, operate and/or maintain various Trilobyte Solutions Inc.-branded web sites and other internet-accessible areas, both password-protected and publicly-accessible (collectively the "sites"; each individually a "site"). Protecting your ("you" and "your" includes any person and/or entity using any site) privacy is important to us at Trilobyte Solutions Inc.
Please read on for more details concerning our Privacy Policy.
Privacy Policy
What information Does Trilobyte Solutions Inc. Collect?
Automatic collection of information. Like many sites on the internet, we automatically track certain information about you as you use our Sites. This information may include, for example, Your IP address and browser type. In addition, we may employ the use of "cookies" in certain areas of our sites. A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent to your browser from a Web server that may be stored on your computer's hard drive.
Information you enter. We also collect information you choose to provide us through the sites or through email. For example, we obtain information when you complete a registration or feedback form, respond to a survey, enter a contest, participate in a product demonstration via the sites, or contact a customer support representative.
This information may include, for example : Your name, email address, mailing address, telephone number, company size. If you participate in a product demonstration via the sites we may record the session. You can choose not to provide us with certain personal and company information, but then you may not be able to fully take advan-tage of the features of our sites and we may not be able to provide you with requested information about our products and services. In addition, financial information that is collected through the sites is used for various purposes, including verification of qualification of registration and member billing.
Who is Collecting Your Information?
When you provide information through the sites, the information is transmitted through the internet and stored on servers owned and maintained by PayPal or such other third parties as PayPal may enter into agreements with from time to time regarding the provision and operation of servers. The information is ultimately transmitted and stored on computers and servers owned and operated by Trilobyte Solutions Inc., the PayPal services are used to run and host the Web Sites and handle the information exchange and not as a storage medium for the information send over the internet.
We advise you that any third party advertisers or other entities that have links on the sites may also collect information about you when you visit their web sites or otherwise communicate with them.  We also advise you that in some cases, a third party web site may appear to be oper-ated by Trilobyte Solutions Inc. or PayPal.  While such third parties may have privacy policies as protective of your information as this Privacy Policy, the information practices of such third parties are not covered by this Privacy Policy and we are not responsible for any such third party's use of your information. You should refer to the privacy policies and statements of other web sites or contact the respective webmasters of those web sites to obtain information regarding their information collection, use and disclosure policies.
With Whom Do We Share Your Information?
We are not in the business of collecting user information for sale to others. We will generally share Your personal or company identifying information only with your consent or under the following circumstances :
We may use other companies and individuals to perform supporting functions for the various products and services offered through the sites on our behalf. These service providers will not be permitted to use the information collected from you for any purpose other than performing the support functions for PayPal.
We will release your information if we believe that such action is appropriate to: (1) comply with legal process, (2) enforce the Terms of Use for the Sites, or (3) protect the rights, property, or personal safety of PayPal, its employees, other Site users or others.
We continue to develop our business and in doing so might choose to buy other businesses or assets. Customer information is generally one of the transferred assets acquired in such purchases. Also, if we should choose to sell some or all of our assets, customer information, including the information collected from you through this site, but excluding your client data, could be included in the transferred assets. Where possible, we will exercise reasonable efforts to ensure that any transferee of such information will remain subject to this privacy policy.
In all other circumstances, when we disclose any of your information to a third party
it will generally be in the form of aggregated statistical data that doesn't identify you individually. This non-ident-ifying information includes, for example the purchasing patterns, trends, preferences, and other collective characteristics of our users and serves to help us, our business partners, affiliates and others evaluate and tailor our communications, advertisements, products, services and general business practices.
Control of Your Information
You can correct and update the information you provide to Trilobyte Solutions Inc. in accor-dance with procedures that we make available from time to time. If you are a Trilobyte Solution online subscriber to the Client Track Web Store, you can login at any time and update your billing and shipping information as well as your payment information. From time to time, Trilobyte Solutions Inc. may provide you with information through email, telephone solici-tations, and/or postal mail on Trilobyte Solutions Inc. or its various products and services.
You can opt out of receiving these types of communications; info-rmation on how to opt out may be included in such communications. Once your information is disclosed to a third party with your consent in accordance with this Privacy Policy, we do not provide a means of opting out of any communications that third party may send to you and we advise that you contact such third party directly for more information on any available opt-out procedures.
Bulletin Boards and Chat Rooms
We may provide chat sessions, forums, message boards, bulletin boards and/or new groups
for users to receive information about products and various topics. Any information disclosed
in these areas may be view by other user of the sites. If you post on any of these areas, please use care not to disclose any personal or company identifying information. We are not responsible or liable for the uses that others may make of the information you post on any to these areas.
We use technology designed to protect your information and all transmissions made through our Sites.  We will take reasonable precautions, consistent with prevalent industry practices,
to prevent unauthorized access using unauthorized methods to your data stored on our hosted system or accessed through our sites.
However, it is your responsibility to restrict access as necessary through the manage-ment of your user ID and password. Trilobyte Solutions Inc. is not responsible when unauthorized access is attained through a legitimate user ID and password, unless the passwords confidentially is breached by Trilobyte Solutions Inc. own negligence. Please be aware, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us or from our sites, and you engage in such transmissions at your own risk.
Confidentiality of Client Information
We will take reasonable precautions, consistent with prevalent industry practices, to maintain the confidentiality of the client data stored on our hosted systems. Unless you choose to make such data publicly available through the methods supplied in our software, for example, by choosing to disclose to the public your client list through our Web Store software, the content
of your data will not be subject to inspection or examination by the public or third parties unless (1) You expressly provide permission for such disclosure (with such permission being given automatically during a request for professional services that require the examination of your data); (2) such disclosure is required during the ordinary course of data center operations to insure the proper completion of a standard procedure, for example, offsite data backup, or (3) such disclosure is required pursuant to a court order or similar legal authority.
Children's Privacy
Our sites are general business audience web sites and no site or portion thereof is intended to be used by children under the age of 13. We do not collect personal identifying information from any person we know is a child under the age of 13.
We may use information that we collect from you to improve your experience in using the sites and our various products and services, to aid in communications between Trilobyte Solutions Inc. and you, and to notify you of products and services that we think may be of interest to you. By accessing and using our sites, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of information by Trilobyte Solutions Inc. as described in this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is subject to change from time to time without notice to you. If Trilobyte Solution's changing this Privacy Policy substantially impairs your use and enjoyment of the hosted services, You may terminate this agreement and receive a refund of any prepaid fees. At Trilobyte Solutions Inc., protecting your privacy is important to us. If you have any questions concerning this policy please send an email to Trilobyte Solutions Inc. at
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Copyright  © 1999 - Present, Trilobyte Solutions Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website created by Jason Medeiros.